
The Java-Eeditor has a simple Android interface.

As a teacher you can use the Android Studio to create a hull project for your students and make it available for further work in the Java-Editor. The students can then expand the hull project in their familiar development environment Java Editor.

Installation of Android SDK

Possibility 1

Android Studio install installs the Android SDK automatically.

Possibility 2

Install the Android SDK only. On the page Install Android Studio scroll to Get just the command line tools and install the command line tools. These contain the SDK- manager with which you can install these components after:

sdkmanager "build-tools;25.0.2"
sdkmanager "platforms;android-25"
sdkmanager "platform-tools"

Preparation of Java-Editor

In the Configuration section of the Java-Editor, on the Android page, select the path to the Android SDK folder and enable Android mode.

Preparing an Android project

Build & Install


If no install happens even though a device is connected:

In case of the error message Cannot resolve symbol 'R' reduce the Graddle version to 2.0.0 in the file build-gradle, which is located in the project folder of the app.

In case of the error message signatures do not match the previously installed version; Ignoring delete the old version of the app on the phone.


The demo app MyFirstApp shows what is possible in the Java-Editor with Android mode.

Java Code


For code completion download the file, unzip it and open the configuration via the Window menu. On the Java/Interpreter page, invoke Edit for JavaDoc-Folders and select the appropriate file from the unzipped zip file via allclasses-frame.html and save the changed settings.