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en:configuration [2018/12/21 19:59] – [UML-Options] roehneren:configuration [2022/12/19 22:29] – [Documentation] roehner
Zeile 13: Zeile 13:
 ===== Java ===== ===== Java =====
-The configuration settings in the Java section are protected. They can only be changed with administrative rights. If you installed the Java-Editor with use of the windows registry the settings are stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) hive, else in the ini file JEMachine.INI.+The configuration settings in the Java section are protected. They can only be changed with administrative rights. If you installed the Java-Editor with use of the windows registry the settings are stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) hive, else in the ini file JEMachine.INI (C:\Program Files (x86)\JavaEditor\JEMachine.INI oder C:\Program Files\JavaEditor\JEMachine.INI).
 The other configuration settings are stored for each user separately, in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) hive or the ini file JEUser.ini. The other configuration settings are stored for each user separately, in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) hive or the ini file JEUser.ini.
Zeile 106: Zeile 106:
 ==== Colors ==== ==== Colors ====
-With this page you configure the colors for syntax-highlighting of Java and HTML files as well as structure lines and pairs of brackets.+You can choose a GUI style and combine it with an editor style. Before you select styles, you should open a Java source file, because you can then see the styles live when you switch. 
 +Also you can configure the colors for syntax-highlighting of Java and HTML files as well as structure lines and pairs of brackets.
 {{:en:colorsen.png}} {{:en:colorsen.png}}
Zeile 112: Zeile 114:
 If you select a syntax element on the left side its current foreground and background color and text attributes are shown. Change them as requested with the left button for the foreground and the right one for the background color. The //Default// button sets the default colors and text attributes. If you select a syntax element on the left side its current foreground and background color and text attributes are shown. Change them as requested with the left button for the foreground and the right one for the background color. The //Default// button sets the default colors and text attributes.
 +The GUI and editor styles are located in files in the styles folder of the Java editor. Additional editor styles can be defined in the files DefaultColorsJava.ini and DefaultColorsHTML.ini.
 ==== Comment ==== ==== Comment ====
 Every new java source file has an introductory comment. Every new java source file has an introductory comment.
Zeile 149: Zeile 152:
 {{:en:structogramconfen.png}} {{:en:structogramconfen.png}}
 +===== Sequence diagrams =====
 +Lifelines are named //Object// with an attached number.
 +//New// and //Close// are the messages for creating or closing a lifeline.
 +In addition to the method name, the messages to a lifeline can also contain the //parameter// or the //return value// if the sequence diagram is generated using the debugger or a UML window.
 ===== Browser ====== ===== Browser ======
Zeile 162: Zeile 174:
 The java manual doesn't belong to the JDK, so you have to install it additionally. The installed java manual gives you easy access to the api documentation. Type the F1 key to get documentation to the text the cursor is on. The documentation is also needed for code completion and parameter hints. The java manual doesn't belong to the JDK, so you have to install it additionally. The installed java manual gives you easy access to the api documentation. Type the F1 key to get documentation to the text the cursor is on. The documentation is also needed for code completion and parameter hints.
-The original java documentation from Sun] contains more than 300 MB in about 13000 files. You can get the documentation in just one chm file of just 50 MB from Select //chm// from the manual combobox, than you can download and install this chm file with the //Install// button. Using the chm documentation is especially recommended if you use the Java-Editor as portable software from an usb stick. Check wether it is possible to open the chm-file with doubleclick from windows desktop. If necessary you have to allow to open the chm-file.+The original [[ |JDK 19 documentation from Oracle]] contains more than 250 MB in about 10000 files. You can get the documentation in just one chm file of just 50 MB from, but only up to version 8. Select //chm// from the manual combobox, than you can download and install this chm file with the //Install// button. Using the chm documentation is especially recommended if you use the Java-Editor as portable software from an usb stick. Check wether it is possible to open the chm-file with doubleclick from windows desktop. If necessary you have to allow to open the chm-file.
-For direct online access to the java documentation you can use http addresses like In this case the used documentation files are cached, that means locally saved.+As a makeshift, direct online access to the API documentation can be configured without any installation. 
 +Use http addresses like In this case the used documentation files are cached, that means locally saved.
 {{:en:documentationen.png}} {{:en:documentationen.png}}
Zeile 177: Zeile 190:
 The //Cache// folder is used if you use direct http access to the java documentation. The //Cache// folder is used if you use direct http access to the java documentation.
-//Search again// is used for the search in the original java documentation.+//Search again// is used for the search in the original java documentation 
 ===== Printer ===== ===== Printer =====
Zeile 209: Zeile 223:
 Concepts of embedding Lego Mindstorms into curricular can be found at [[ Roberta | Learning with Robots]]. Concepts of embedding Lego Mindstorms into curricular can be found at [[ Roberta | Learning with Robots]].
 +For the parallel use of the Java-Editor in normal and mindstorm mode in a school, create a copy of the JEMachine.INI for the use of Mindstorms. In this JEMachineMindstorms.INI you configure the Mindstorm parameters. On the students' desktop, create a shortcut to the Java-Editor using JEMachineMindstorms.INI as the call parameter.
 +Starting with the JDK 9, the compiler parameter //-bootclasspath// used by Lejos is no longer supported. You get the error messages when compiling:
 +error: option --boot-class-path not allowed with target 9
 +error: option -extdirs not allowed with target 9
 +Open the batch file ''nxjc.bat'' to compile and replace at the end:
 +"%JAVAC%" -bootclasspath "%NXJ_CP_NXT%" -extdirs "" %*</code>
 +"%JAVAC%" -classpath "%NXJ_CP_NXT%" %*
 +===== Android =====
 +For the simple Android support described in [[Android]] select the Android JDK path here and change the Java-Editor to Android mode.
 ===== Language ===== ===== Language =====
Zeile 224: Zeile 265:
 This page is for configuring miscellaneous settings. This page is for configuring miscellaneous settings.
-  *Deactivate DOS-Window - some teachers don't want that pupils can open a DOS-Window, this setting is therefore protected 
-  *Show components-toolbar - handicapped persons, who can not use a mouse, don't need then components toolbar, they use the component menu instead 
-  *Show borderLayout-toolbar - the borderLayout toolbar is only necessary if you want to use a layout manager to create a gui form 
-  *Show component-menu - handicapped persons, who can not use a mouse, can use the component menu to create a gui form 
   *Load files when starting - load last open files at program start   *Load files when starting - load last open files at program start
-  *Close console-window manually close console programs automatically or manually+  *Check external changes of files - Checks if downloaded files have been changed by external programs 
 +  *Save as renames class - if you save a class with a new file name, the name of the class changes accordingly 
 +  *Create bak-files when saving - create a backup file when saving a file 
 +  *Name GUI-components after attribut "Text" - If you change the Text attribute in the Object Inspector, the name of the GUI component will be set accordingly 
 +  *use interpreter window as console (not for JavaFX) The input / output takes place in the interpreter window of the Java-Editor, not in a separate console window 
 +  *use batch file runjava.bat to start console programs - By default, the batch file RunJava.bat is used, which has a PAUSE command at the end, so you can view the output on the console. If the use of batch files is disabled, disable this setting and exit your console program with an InOut.readln(); 
 +  *Accept defaultname during saving 
 +  *Strict java in interactive windows - Instructions must be entered in interactive mode with a closing semicolon. 
 +  *Show hints permanently in GUI designer - Display information about GUI components when moving over them with the mouse.
   *Log debugger - log the debugger output to a text file   *Log debugger - log the debugger output to a text file
-  *Save as renames class if you save a class with a new filename, the class name is renamed as well +  *Translate compiler errors In the editor window, the marks indicate translated texts for compiler errors.
- +
-{{:en:optionsen.png}} +
- +
-  *Start programs without console-window - without check of console or GUI-programrun java-programs always without console-window +
-  *Start programs independent from Java-Editor - reduces cpu-load while running java-programs, output to console will not be shown +
-  *Remove write protection automatically - in case of saving a file +
-  *Create bak-files when saving - create a backup file when saving a file +
-  *Link java-files with Java-Editor - java files are opened with the Java-Editor (needs administrative rights) +
-  *Open message-window automatically - if an error occurs during compilation +
-  *Save files automatically - if not selected always use the save as dialog +
-  *Show file-tabs in multiline - if you open a lot of files the file-tabs are arranged in multiple lines+
-  *Codepage for console programs- set the codepage if console programs shall show country specific characters (German: 850)  
   *Additional file filters - the open dialog shows also files witch match the additional file filters   *Additional file filters - the open dialog shows also files witch match the additional file filters
   *Font-size in component bar - set the desired font-size for the component bar, default font size is 9   *Font-size in component bar - set the desired font-size for the component bar, default font size is 9
Zeile 280: Zeile 314:
 Class presentation Class presentation
-  *show empty attribute- and method-rectangles - wenn es keine Attribute oder Methoden in einer Klasse gibtkönnen die betreffenden Rechtecke im Klassendiagramm angezeigt oder ausgeblendet werden +  *show empty attribute- and method-rectangles - if there are no attributes or methods in a classthe rectangles  can be shown or hidden in the class diagram 
-  *use return value //void// - Methoden ohne Rückgabewert werden mit //void// dargestellt +  *use return value //void// - methods without return value are displayed with //void// 
-  *Integer instead of int - der Datentyp //int// wird UML-konform mit //Integer// bezeichnet +  *Integer instead of int - the data type //int// is UMLcompliant shown with //integer// 
-  *start with datatype - UML-konform beginnt ein Parameter mit dem Namen auf den der Datentyp folgt. In Java steht der Datentyp vor dem Namen des Parameters+  *start with datatype - UML compliant a parameter begins with the name followed by the data type. In Java the data type precedes the name of the parameter
-  *show constructors with visibility - Konstruktoren kann man mit einem oder wie bei Methoden mit der Sichtbarkeit darstellen +  *show constructors with visibility - constructors can be represented by a or by visibility as with methods  
-  *show class parameters separately - bei einer parametrisierten Klasse kann der Parameter rechts oben ausgerückt dargestellt werden +  *relationship attributes bold - in class relations the relationship attributes are given in bold 
-  *role hides attribute - Rollenbezeichnungen einer Klassenbeziehung können gleichnamige Attribute verbergen+  *show class parameters separately - for a parameterized class the parameter can be displayed in the top right-hand corner 
 +  *role hides attribute - role names of a class relationship can hide attributes with the same name
 Object presentation Object presentation
-  *show objects with inherited private attributes - bei Objekten werden auch geerbte private Attribute mit ihren Werten dargestellt +  *show objects with inherited private attributes - for objects inherited private attributes are also displayed with their values 
-  *show objects with methods - normalerweise stellt man Objekte nur mit ihren Attributen und Attributwerten dar +  *show objects with methods - normally you only represent objects with their attributes and attribute values 
-  *relationship attributes bold - bei Klassenbeziehungen werden die Beziehungsattribute fett ausgezeichnet +  *start object names with lower case letter - automatically generated object names begin with lowercase letters 
-  *start object names with lower case letter - automatisch erzeugte Objektnamen beginnen mit Kleinbuchstaben +  *show all new objects - if a constructor or a method is called all new objects created in the process can be displayed automatically 
-  *show all new objects - wird ein Konstruktor oder eine Methode aufgerufen, so können alle dabei erzeugten neuen Objekte automatisch dargestellt werden +  *without visibility - attributes of objects are displayed without visibility
-  *without visibility - Attribute von Objekten werden ohne Sichtbarkeit angezeigt+
-Klassenbearbeitung +Class editing 
-  *default modifiers for attribute and methods - setzt die Sichtbarkeit im Klassenmodellierer auf //public//, die Art der Methode auf //Prozedur// und wählt die get-Methode für Attribute an  +  *default modifiers for attribute and methods - sets the visibility in the class modeler to //public//, the type of a new method to //procedure// and chooses the get method for attributes 
-  *solely open public classes - beim Öffnen von Dateien im UML-Fenster werden darin enthaltene private Klassen nicht angezeigt +  *solely open public classes - when opening files in the UML window private classes contained within them are not displayed 
-  *setter without this - legt fest, wie set-Methoden implementiert werden ''this.Attribut Attribut;'' oder ''Attribut AttributNeu''+  *setter without this - defines how set methods are implemented ''this.Attribute Attribute;'' or ''Attribute AttributeNew ''
-Objektbearbeitung +Object editing 
-  *private attributes editable - das Kontextmenü eines Objekts ermöglicht die Bearbeitung von Attributenaber Sie können die privaten Attribute ausschließen +  *private attributes editable - the context menu of an object allows you to edit attributesbut you can exclude private attributes 
-  *attributes starts with a, parameters with p - eine Option für die Quellcodeerzeugung mit dem Klassenmodellierer +  *attributes starts with a, parameters with p - an option for source code generation with the class modeler 
-  *show function values in interpreter window - oder in einem separaten Funktionswert-Fenster+  *show function values in interpreter window - or in a separate function value window
 +**Type binding**
 +A generic class has a type parameter which can be displayed separately in the right upper corner. You can add a type binding to this type parameter by double clicking it.
 +In this example //ContentType// is the type parameter and //Athlet// the type binding.
 ===== Visibility ===== ===== Visibility =====
Zeile 393: Zeile 436:
 The automatic Jalopy installation also installs a xml file with a coding standard suitable to the Java-Editor. Execute the preferences.bat file if you want to change this standard. The automatic Jalopy installation also installs a xml file with a coding standard suitable to the Java-Editor. Execute the preferences.bat file if you want to change this standard.
-=== Subversion ===+==== Subversion ====
 Subversion (SVN) is a version control system. It is used to maintain current and historical versions of source code files. The subversion homepage is at Subversion (SVN) is a version control system. It is used to maintain current and historical versions of source code files. The subversion homepage is at
 Due to affordable e-mail-registration there is no automatic install process. Due to affordable e-mail-registration there is no automatic install process.
en/configuration.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/02/25 19:57 von roehner